Safety & Emergency Preparedness Skip to main content

Safety & Emergency Preparedness

Safety & Preparedness

BYU Resources:

  • BYU Police
    The BYU Police offer important classes and trainings including active shooter training and R.A.D training.
  • Disaster Response and Emergency Preparedness Class (HLTH 422)
    This class is offered by BYU and goes over disasters and emergencies and how to respond to them.
  • Fire Safety
    The risk management website explains how to respond to fires that could occur while at work.

Other Resources:

  • Ready Check Website
    This can help you make sure you are ready and prepared for natural disasters.
  • Be Ready Utah
    Be Ready Utah covers basic first aid and response to emergencies.

  • Share Safety & Preparedness Tips 
    Share safety and preparedness tips and information via an email or newsletter or at the start of department meetings. 
  • Emergency Management Website Scavenger Hunt
    Have a scavenger hunt for people to become more acquainted with the Emergency Management Website. Website scavenger hunt. 
  • Print out Emergency Management Checklists
    Emergency Management has checklists for the correct response and preparation for different emergencies.

  • Host a Safety Presentation 
    Invite someone from the department of Risk Management to come and do a presentation on first aid, ergonomics, or other topics.
  • Report a Safety Concern
    If an incident occurs report a safety concern document and make sure your department knows how to find the document.
  • Ergonomics Wellness Presentation
    We can come give an ergonomics presentation that will help employees learn how to stay safe and healthy while at work.
  • Have Everyone Watch the Campus Safety Videos
    The police department has 3 videos aimed at campus safety: 20 to Ready, Shots Fired, and Flash Point.

  • Register for Y-Alert
    Teach your coworkers how to register for Y-Alert texts or emails, and explain why it is so important.

  • Create a Fire Evacuation Plan 
    Create a fire evacuation plan and post it in a visible place. Take time regularly to review it with your people. 
  • Find the Nearest AED/First Aid Kits 
    Show coworkers where the nearest AED/first aid kits are located and do the online training together (on the Risk Management website) for how to use them. You can use the AED locator on the BYU app to find the closest AED.
  • Perform a Risk Assessment of your Work Area
    Find potential hazards in your workplace and find way to eliminate them to reduce risks.
  • Have BYU Police do a R.A.D Training
    The BYU Police will come and do R.A.D trainings for women to explain better ways to defend themselves.
  • Create a Department Safety Plan
    These explain the process for identifying potential hazards and the procedures to prevent accidents or to deal with them when they occur.
  • Have a Department Movie Day
    Watch an important training video along with popcorn and coworkers.
  • Take the Cougar Ready Quiz
    On the Emergency Management website they have a quiz everyone can take to assess their emergency preparation knowledge.
    Cougar Ready Quiz
  • Build Desk Emergency Kits
    Supply these kits with necessities like water, food, flashlights, etc. for everyone to have at their desk.
  • Fill Out a Property Record
    BYU Police have property records to keep track of the inventory your department has in the case that something is stolen.
  • Recognize People for Bringing Up Safety Hazards
    BYU has a Y Be Safe program where they give awards to people who report safety concerns.
  • Print out safety checklists
    Emergency Management has checklists/guides for how to respond to many emergency situations.